"Mankind is divided into rich and poor, into property owners and exploited; and to abstract oneself from this fundamental division; and from the antagonism between poor and rich means abstracting oneself from fundamental facts"-Joseph Stalin

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Commissariat for Military and Naval Affairs in 1925

January: That damn Trotsky still controls the Commissariat for Military and Naval Affairs. I need to gain control of this if I plan to become the leader of the whole USSR.

Later January: Trotsky has been replaced due to his excessive absences! By Mikhail Frunze the Chief of the Red Army. He is less subservient but will probably be easily removed from his position.

October 1925: The paper says that Mikhail Frunze has died from "mysterious circumstances". But I know it had to do with a mishandled and essentially unnecessary stomach operation where an excessive amount chloroform was used. So naturally I made sure that one of my civil war buddies got the position his name is Klement Voroshilov and a great supporter of me. Now I can sleep in peace with the Soviet forces under my watchful eye. I can now concentrate all my power in the Politburo and the Secretariat; and as General Secretary, I can steer the working of the Party apparatus in any direction I please and pass any measure I want by manipulating the majority of the Politburo. Oh how I enjoy controlling everything from decision-making to administrative work to enforcement.

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